I've always been interested in being an entrepreneur and getting the chance to do my own thing, but I also love to support other people. Recently I've been learning more and more about the concept of keeping the people within your business safe and the ways that that will improve performance. Then I discovered social entrepreneurship, which was the exact thing that I wanted to do but I didn't have the words for it.
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"Richard Branson." Widjaya Ivan. 3/18/15 via Flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. |
Source #1: Forbes.com; "People over profit"
URL: http://www.forbes.com/sites/evankirkpatrick/2015/05/08/entrepreneur-dale-partridge-launches-controversial-book-about-socially-focused-business/
Author: Evan Kirkpatrick
Last Updated: 5/08/15 @ 9:00am
Purpose: Discuss book on People Over Profit philosophy
Graphics: http://blogs-images.forbes.com/evankirkpatrick/files/2015/05/11216300_1601368456770575_1897177694_n-e1431080742554.jpg
Position on Subject: He supports the philosophy
Links: http://peopleoverprofit.com/
Source #2: Harvard Business Review; "Social Entrepreneurship Raises Thorny Questions"
URL: https://hbr.org/2010/08/social-entrepreneurship-success-raises-thorny-questions
Author: Timothy Ogden
Last Updated: August 30, 2010
Purpose: Discuss controversy around social entrepreneurship
Graphics: none
Position on subject: Questioning
Links: lots of them
So what do you think.. is it better to be in the for-profit sector and be a good person or to enter the not-for-profit sector and risk those conflicts of interest in an attempt to help more people?
You're going to need to put a bit more detail into these blog posts. For example, we need more information for each one of the items here you're using to evaluate the sources. Did you Google the 2 authors? Did you find out anything about their backgrounds?