Friday, July 17, 2015

Evaluation of Social Media Sources

I've found that a lot of people on social media want to talk about entrepreneurship and how it relates to them. It's definitely in style. But how much useful information is there about social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in general? I found a couple cool videos that I added to by Entrepreneurship Mix in Storify.

The first video was published by the Stanford Business School and it pretty much explains how social entrepreneurship got started and the different ways it has developed over the years. I definitely think this guy is pretty credible, given that he graduated from the Stanford Business School and now he's the CEO of a company. I can't really tell where he is location wise but I don't think that matters to much because he's making a video about a concept so that doesn't have any definite location either. Because I found this video on Storify, I couldn't see anything about their network or how many people follow them but again, I'll credit the Stanford Business School and assume that it's a pretty substantial amount. The information in the video is definitely reliable and I have no problem basing my analysis on what he's provided me.

The second video is a TED talk given be Dan Pallotta. Because it's a TED talk, and he's led a number of non-profits, I'm going to consider him credible source and assume that the content in the talk is all pretty good. Because I"m not getting this information from his posts on social media, I don't really have access to contextual updates or the age of his account, but I'm sure that the information is reliable because it's associated with TED. The location of this talk is in Long Beach, California, and his network is everyone that watches TED talks plus all of the people that work with or benefit from his non-profit work. This talk really opened my eyes to the way non-profits are viewed differently than for-profits and the ways that non-profits are actually at a huge disadvantage when you consider the different market conditions.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I've got some serious concerns about your trajectory here.

    The sources you're finding for Blog Posts 6, 7 & 8 are not about the same controversial topic. I'm worried that you haven't paid careful attention to the prompts. Keep in mind that all of these sources have to be about the same exact specific controversy. Not just "entrepreneurship" in general. This is an important distinction!

    I'd love to be of help if you're struggling with this conceptually. Let me know.
