Saturday, July 18, 2015

My Discipline

I plan on majoring in Accounting, Finance, and Entrepreneurship.

I think that out of those three fields of study, entrepreneurship definitely has the most interesting conversations because it's the new thing that everyone is getting fired up about.

The students in the entrepreneurship program all learn about starting a business, and the program actually requires that you start your own business as a capstone project. Learning how to start a business involves coming up with a good idea, rallying people around the idea, and then finding a way to make it profitable. Each of these three steps takes a significant about of skill because it's hard to come up with good ideas that nobody has thought of before, and it's even harder to rally people around things that they may not be sure about, and finally it takes a lot of careful planning to make any idea profitable.

The coolest thing to me about the entrepreneurship program is that students graduate as business owners, and so many of them go on to cultivate and grow their business but they also go to work in other fields because they don't allow people to major only in entrepreneurship.

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