Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Draft of Open Letter

It's time!! Here's my first copy of the letter.

BEFORE YOU READ IT, you should know that it's a very rough draft. I'm still looking for some more specific examples from my own writing that I could either quote or hyperlink to but other than that I think it's pretty straight forward. I left this draft pretty much in the same format as the Reflection on My Writing Experience post because it seemed really fluid. I'm still reading over it to see if I might rearrange some of the statements or add transitions to make it flow better as a letter. How do you feel about the length? I feel like if it's a letter then it might be a little shorter, although I recently saw Lupe Fiasco's Open Letter to White Supremacy and it's pretty long so I guess length isn't actually a big concern. Questions? Comments? Affirmations?

Eliot Fintushel. "Einstein Letter". 12-23-07 via Wikipedia. CC A-SA 3.0.

Here it is. I hope you like it!

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